Operational Management NFP Privacy Assessment Offer
A complimentary assessment and monitoring to help integrate privacy management into everyday operations
How’s your heart rate every time you see reports of yet another organisation whose data has been exposed via a data breach? Are you tired of having conversations like "do we collect that?" or "why did we share that?" but can't seem to help people understand the urgency around data privacy? We've been there too. Getting a handle on data privacy starts with helping people realise when collection or sharing is incorrect, overly broad, or not secured. And it can be tricky to do.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could invite some expertise into your organisation to help you work through your approach to privacy, without the drama? Or to provide some suggestions about how you could potentially improve or better manage privacy operations on a day-by-day basis?
A FREE 1-day privacy assessment
A customised action-oriented outcomes report, based on gap analysis
Monitoring privacy operations via Privay's innovative platform will determine current privacy regulatory compliance and any privacy risks
And, if required, Privay will help you remediate these risks
If you would like to be part of ongoing product trials and provide a product testimonial, Privay will place you on our platform for ongoing monitoring for 1 year, at no cost
Register for the Privay Operational Management NFP Privacy Assessment Offer below.
This link will take you to a form, asking for a little information about your organisation and your current approach to privacy management.
This information allows us to understand you and your organisation better.
2. Once we’ve assessed your information, we’ll engage and:
Spend half a day understanding how you currently manage your privacy data operations
Spend half a day documenting the privacy data operations findings
Determine the gap analysis
3. We’ll share our findings and agree a reasonable remediation plan
4. We’ll then place you on our platform for ongoing monitoring, for 1 year.
During this time, we'll ask you for feedback on new product features.
And we’ll ask you to write a testimonial about Privay.
To take advantage of this offer or to discuss any details, please complete the form below