Privay helps you manage data privacy, excellently
Privacy Programme Design
We'll set up or retrofit your business unit or organisation to be Privacy match-fit.
Services include:
Reviewing current software privacy practices
Updating or crafting your privacy policy
Redesigning or recommending changes to support regulatory compliance and continuous improvement
Threat Models
We have a deep understanding of the link between Privacy and Cybersecurity. As part of that we provide (and encourage) product teams to undertake threat modelling exercises.
Undertake threat modelling with a team
Draw up risk reports and architectures based on threat models
Remediate risks exposed by threat models.
Privacy Masterclasses
Standard privacy e-learning can be generic and ineffective meaning organisations are unable to adapt to privacy risks. Privay offers specialist Masterclasses for developers and product managers accountable for ensuring that everyday compliance is designed into initiatives.
Privay's pragmatic approach is designed to optimise learning. Embedding real-world concepts will mitigate waste, time and the costs of any potential rework of solutions misaligned to internal compliance and/or external regulatory requirements.
Cybersecurity Architecture Audit
Understanding how to apply Cybersecurity to environments allows Privacy to flourish. So we can help you to review your current security posture to allow you to understand what your next steps in your privacy and security journey are.
Privacy Impact Assessments
We can both undertake and teach you how to undertake Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs). For orgnaisations dealing with GDPR we can do the same with Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
Conduct PIAs for you, particularly for in-depth or product-wide PIAs.
Teach you how to undertake PIAs yourself.
Create customised PIAs/DPIAs for your situation.
Privay's customised approach
Privay can help design your approach, respond quickly to a data breach and offer expertise guidance on ensuring product design and development aligns to internal and external privacy requirements.